JHA is currently performing the Operations, Maintenance & Monitoring (OM&M) services for the Omega Chemical Superfund Site (Omega Site) located in Whittier, California. This work is being performed in cooperation with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) pursuant to a Consent Decree (CD) and an Administrative Settlement and Order on Consent for Removal Action. From 1976 to 1991 Omega Chemical Corporation operated a treatment recycling facility for commercial and industrial solid and liquid wastes and a transfer station for storage and consolidation of wastes for shipment to other treatment and/or disposal facilities. The project consists of three remediation systems: a groundwater extraction treatment (GET), a soil vapor extraction (SVE) and a sub-slab depressurization (SSD) systems.
JHA performs all the OM&M activities in compliance with the requirements of the CD and the Administrative Order, the Sanitation District of Los Angeles discharge permit, the GETS, SVE and SSD Operations Maintenance & Monitoring Manuals, and the Performance Standards and Verification Plan. All sampling is performed in accordance with current USEPA field sampling guidelines and the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures specified in the project Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs). The treatment systems operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. JHA monitors the GET system continuously via the programmable logic controller (PLC).