JHA performed a Phase II ESA on an approximately 47.5-acre industrial-commercial property, which was formerly a manufacturing and warehouse facility for large appliance company. The Phase II identified an area of subsurface soils in which trichloroethylene (TCE) detections exceeded Illinois EPA TACO Tier 1 soil remediation objectives (SROs). JHA created a sampling plan to investigate the extent of the TCE exceedances with a combined Membrane Interface Probe/Hydraulic Profiling Tool (MiHPT) and conventional direct push borings. Using data from the MiHPT and conventional soil borings, JHA developed a model to determine the horizontal and vertical extents of the TCE impacts as well as the total mass of TCE present above TACO Tier 1 SROs in subsurface soils.
The TCE model assisted JHA in developing a remediation plan which was reported to the Illinois EPA via a Site Investigation Report-Remediation Objectives Report-Remedial Action Plan (SIR-ROR-RAP) on behalf of the client. The SIR-ROR-RAP was reported to the Illinois EPA for approval so that the remediation activities could begin in TCE contaminated area. JHA developed site-specific remediation objectives (ROs) and implemented an in-situ treatment by soil mixing and high-pressure injection zero valent iron (ZVI) slurry to treat VOCs from soil and groundwater.